Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Houston, we have a problem

The functionality of the LIVE lab is based on a complex system of software and hardware, all interfacing over the Vanderbilt network. As I mentioned in my previous post, I went into the lab for the first time in the semester and I realized that there were a few bugs that would have to be fixed before I could get a good start on my research. We solved the issue of the Cyberglove by calling the Vizard help desk, turns out we had to specify the correct port that the Cyberglove was streaming data on in our code. It was a simple fix and was simply a result of an updated plug-in from Vizard for the glove.

This would have been the end to my original list of problems, but one of the machines, which handles the entirety of the motion tracking functionality in the lab got a virus. The other undergraduate in the lab discovered the virus and did a system restore in order to get rid of the virus, but when the system restore was finished we discovered that the computer's networking capabilities had been corrupted and no longer worked. In our lab, this means that any data we were getting from our Vicon motion tracking system could not be sent to the computer with Vizard on it, the machine on which we create and run our virtual environments. As of now, the head of our IT department has addressed this issue and will perform a memory wipe, re-install lost programs and get the lab up and running again. Unfortunately this will not be finished for a few more days so in the meantime I will be concentrating on writing a journal article and getting that submitted as soon as possible.

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